On a weekly basis, the average person unknowingly ingests an amount of plastic comparable to the size of a credit card. This startling disclosure highlights the widespread presence of microplastics in our surroundings.
As individuals, we are ingesting or absorbing … Read the rest
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, with around 300 million tons of plastic waste being generated each year. However, with the emergence of innovative and sustainable plastic alternatives, we’re inching closer to a … Read the rest
The purpose of greenwashing is to mislead consumers who are interested in making eco-friendly choices. Greenwashing undermines the efforts of genuinely sustainable businesses by creating consumer doubt about the legitimacy and practicality of moving to a sustainable lifestyle.
Greenwashing can … Read the rest
Last Updated: 13 Sept 2023
It is uplifting to know that many local, and global companies have started their journey to become environmentally friendly companies. From reducing carbon footprints to opting for sustainable and compostable packaging, these companies are doing … Read the rest
Finding alternatives to plastic doesn’t have to be hard. Here are seven, great, household products that cut out the plastic and are easy to adopt.
Beeswax Food Wraps
These food wraps are made from natural and biodegradable materials. They do … Read the rest